7 November Conservation Week event


As part of Conservation Week we are having our annual working bee at Sumner Dunes in preparation for the summer. Come and be a part of this great community event to keep our coast healthy and happy!

When: Saturday 7th November at 11am – 1pm
Where: Sumner dunes – meet on the beach outside the Surf Club
What: Mulching all the new plants which have been growing well over the winter. This mainly involves lots of buckets and a few wheelbarrows to move mulch from a central spot.
Bring: The CCC guys will have most of the gear we need but if you have a spare bucket bring it down. The mulch will be coming by trailer and we just have to shift it from there 🙂

Many hands make light work so see you there.

PS .. there’s some mention of free icecreams!


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